A responsible business

Our contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals

UK Power Networks is committed to achieving a better and more sustainable future for everyone. That’s why we have aligned our activities to the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs). We have prioritised 11 of those goals and these are set out below.

Environment and climate change

Environment and climate change
Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Life on Land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss


We have revalidated our Science Based Target at 1.5˚C and have also been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to the Net Zero Standard.


We will work with our suppliers to reduce our supply chain carbon emissions (Scope 3) by 25% by 2028, compared to a 2018/19 baseline.


We will recycle 80% of office, depot and network waste and 99.5% of streetworks material by the end of RIIO-ED2, with no recoverable waste to landfill by 2025.


We will increase the biodiversity of new major substation developments by a net gain of 10–20%, and at 100 existing sites by a net gain of 30% overall over RIIO-ED2.


We will reduce NOx emissions by 33% over RIIO-ED2, improving air quality for our customers.


We will develop and implement a circular economy tool to address our high impact materials by the start of RIIO-ED2, and we will subsequently set and monitor our reduction targets.


  • Ahead
  • On track
  • Not on track

Our people

Our people
Good Health and Well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Reduced Inequality

Reduce inequality within and among countries


We will minimise injuries to our staff as measured by the Total Recordable Injury Rate (accident rate per 100,000 hours worked), striving for a TRIR of less than 0.05 by the end of RIIO-ED2.


We will reduce overhead line and underground cable strikes by at least 20% over RIIO-ED2 (relative to the average of RIIO-ED1 actuals from 2015–2020).


We will continue to build a diverse workforce to reflect and serve our communities by further improving equality of employment access, measuring continuous performance improvement. We will retain our NES accreditation and status as an Inclusive Top 50 UK Employer throughout RIIO-ED2.


We will engage with the public around safety issues, focusing on those who are at highest risk of injury from contact with our networks by engaging with 300,000 people per year during RIIO-ED2, an increase of 20% over the RIIO-ED1 period.


  • Ahead
  • On track
  • Not on track

Social responsibility

Social responsibility
Affordable and Clean Energy

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development


We aim to provide targeted support to 500,000 fuel-poor customers over RIIO-ED2, investing £18m to support over 200,000 directly and 300,000 through partnership programmes, delivering £67m of benefits by 2028.


Over RIIO-ED2 we will deliver 1 GW of distributed energy resources (DER) capacity at no more than £8m, using smart interventions and innovations, reporting progress in our annual business plan.


We will allocate £25m Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) funding over the RIIO-ED2 period, of which £20m will go to third parties, targeted to ideas that deliver wider societal benefits.


  • Ahead
  • On track
  • Not on track
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